
Average score 82 Reviews
Grissom B. noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Good (Original) Buono

7 days ago
roberto biallo noted on Google

(Translated by Google) 1 of the best sushi I've eaten, all excellent (Original) 1 dei sushi che ho mangiato meglio tutto ottimo

8 days ago
roberto biallo noted on Google

9 days ago
Loretta Oberoffer noted on Google

12 days ago
Davide Gola noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I'm a creature of habit, but today in particular was wonderful!! (Original) Sono un abitudinario, ma oggi in particolare è stato magnifico!!

14 days ago
Giorgio Ferrari noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The quality of the food and the punctuality of the service were excellent, truly excellent (Original) Eccellente la qualità del cibo e la puntualità del servizio, ottimo davvero

23 days ago
Enrico Bertolini noted on Google

23 days ago
Francesca noted on Google

23 days ago
Riccardo Bianchi noted on Google

24 days ago
Andre Unglert noted on Google

All very good. I will be back soon. :)) Thanks.

1 month ago

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